1. Vaccinations: Yearly vaccinations are necessary to protect against a number of infectious diseases. Immunity must be renewed every year, as some of the diseases covered by the vaccination are respiratory in nature, much like influenza in people. 

2. Worming: should be done every 6 months.  The main parasite of concern to people is Toxoplasmosis.  This is a protozoa that can be shed in the faeces of young cats with diarrhoea.  This parasite is of critical importance to pregnant women as it can cross the placenta and affect an unborn foetus.  Pregnant women should preferably not handle the kittens kitty litter tray at all or if this is impossibe they should wear disposable gloves. 

3. Flea control: A flea treatment should be given to your cat between October and March. Topical products such as Advocate or Revolution are the easiest to administer to cats. We recommend buying a six-month packet of Advocate in September, so you are prepared for the whole flea season. Fleas can live in the environment for up to six months, and love deep carpet fibres and cracks in floorboards! Therefore, if your cat has been affected by fleas during the summer months, it is best to apply flea treatment year-round. If you would like some advice on flea control, please come and chat with our friendly vets.

4. Diet: feeding a good-quality dry food is important. This will provide the best outcome for the long term health of the cat.  We recommend Royal Canin or Hills Science diet. Your cat will require different diets throughout the various stages of its life. We can advise you on the best diet choice for your cat at the time of purchase.